Mollohan file last updated on
December 4, 2003
The George Mollohan
of (West) Virginia
Compiled by David R. Heise

I am researching the
George Mollohan descendants of (West) Virginia, compiling my research and others, and have made
available the results on this internet site. You may use the results of
research for genealogical purposes only. I only ask that you
contact me and provide to me any corrections, additions, or updates
that you possess so that I can include it in future updates and on my "hard copy
complete report", and that you include me as a source at least
once (i.e. "Compiled by David R. Heise, Descendants of George
Mollohan of (West) Virginia").
I am responsible for the
submission to Broderbund's World Family Tree Volume 7, Tree Number
1791. If there are differences between that submission and what is
recorded here, then the data on this site is more accurate and
When you go to the
Mollohan file, it includes some 7,359 individuals, 3,296 descendants
of George Mollohan of which there are 1,842 individuals with the last
name of Mollohan or Mollihan, so it may take from 1 to 3 minutes to load,
depending on the speed of your modem, be patient.
Material on these pages
are Copyrighted © April 1998 by David R. Heise
E-mail David at