Maciej (Matthew) (1843 - ) - male
b. 1843 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Schattschneider, Jakob (~1813 - )
mother: Heise, Karolina (~1809 - )
spouse: Sodke, Ewa (1840 - )
- m. 1863 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
----------child: Schattschneider, Henryk (1864
- )
----------child: Schattschneider, Michal (1866 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Piotr (1869 - )
Mathilda (1858 - ) - female
b. 1858 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Schattschneider, Peter Jr. (1819 - 1869)
mother: Witt, Marrie (1824 - )
Mathilda (*1879 - ) - female
father: Schattschneider, August Ludwig (1846 -
mother: Baumgart, Elizabeth (1847 - )
Michal (1844 - 1845) - male
b. 1844 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
d. 1845 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Schattschneider, Peter Jr. (1819 - 1869)
mother: Witt, Marrie (1824 - )
Michal (1865 - ) - male
b. 1865 in Nowing, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Schattschneider, Peter Jr. (1819 - 1869)
mother: Witt, Marrie (1824 - )
spouse: Baumgart, Wilhelmina (*1869 - )
Schattschneider, Michal (1866 - ) - male
b. 1866 in Mala Wies, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Schattschneider, Maciej (Matthew) (1843 - )
mother: Sodke, Ewa (1840 - )
Otillie (1892 - ) - female
b. 1892
father: Schattschneider, Peter II (1848 - )
mother: Meister, Matilda (*1856 - )
Otillie (*1894 - ) - female
father: Schattschneider, Jakob (1859 - )
Paul (1862 - ) - male
b. 1862 in Poland
d. in Poland
father: Schattschneider, Peter Jr. (1819 - 1869)
mother: Witt, Marrie (1824 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Albert (*1897
- )
----------child: Schattschneider, Emil (*1897 -
Paulina (*1894 - ) - female
father: Schattschneider, Jakob (1859 - )
Peter II (1848 - ) - male
b. 1 AUG 1848 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
d. in Poland
father: Schattschneider, Peter Jr. (1819 - 1869)
mother: Witt, Marrie (1824 - )
spouse: Meister, Matilda (*1856 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, August Edmund
(1876 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Anna (1887 -
----------child: Schattschneider, Otillie (1892 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Reinhart (1900 - )
Peter Jr. (1819 - 1869) - male
b. 1819 in Nowing, Poland
d. 1869 in Sladowskie, Poland
father: Schattschneider, Peter Sr. (1791 - 1846)
mother: Milke, Dorothy (*1791 - )
spouse: Witt, Marrie (1824 - )
- m. ABT. 1844 in Wyszogrod, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
----------child: Schattschneider, Michal (1844 - 1845)
----------child: Schattschneider, August Ludwig
(1846 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Peter II (1848 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Karolina
(1851 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Louise (~1855
- )
----------child: Schattschneider, Mathilda (1858 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Jakob (1859 -
----------child: Schattschneider, Paul (1862 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Michal (1865 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Elizabeth
(1867 - 1900)
Peter Sr. (1791 - 1846) - male
b. 1791 in Wilese, Poland
d. 1846 in Kingdom of Poland, Russia
spouse: Milke, Dorothy (*1791 - )
- m. in Kingdom of Poland, Russia
----------child: Schattschneider, Jakob (~1813
- )
----------child: Schattschneider, Peter Jr. (1819 -
----------child: Schattschneider, Henryk (~1827
- )
Piotr (1869 - ) - male
b. 1869 in Mala Wies, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Schattschneider, Maciej (Matthew) (1843 - )
mother: Sodke, Ewa (1840 - )
Piotr (*1894 - ) - male
father: Schattschneider, Jakob (1859 - )
Reinhart (1900 - ) - male
b. 1900
father: Schattschneider, Peter II (1848 - )
mother: Meister, Matilda (*1856 - )
Robert (*1894 - ) - male
father: Schattschneider, Jakob (1859 - )
Wilhelmina (*1879 - ) - female
father: Schattschneider, August Ludwig (1846 -
mother: Baumgart, Elizabeth (1847 - )
Barbara (private) - female
father: Schildknecht, Frederick Warren (*1911 - )
mother: Lembke, Louise Caroline (1915 - )
Frederick Warren (*1911 - ) - male
spouse: Lembke, Louise Caroline (1915 - )
----------child: Schildknecht, Barbara (private)
----------child: Schildknecht, Lynn (private)
----------child: Schildknecht, Warren (private)
Schildknecht, Lynn (private) - female
father: Schildknecht, Frederick Warren (*1911 - )
mother: Lembke, Louise Caroline (1915 - )
Warren (private) - male
father: Schildknecht, Frederick Warren (*1911 - )
mother: Lembke, Louise Caroline (1915 - )
Caroline (*1889 - ) - female
spouse: Kelber, Julius (*1885 - )
----------child: Kelber, Nelson (1919 - )
----------child: Kelber, Wilbert (1922 - )
Schramm, Krystyna (*1809 - ) - female
spouse: Sodke, Henryk (*1805 - )
----------child: Sodke, Ewa (1840 - )
Schultz, Karolina (*1841 - ) - female
spouse: Ristau, Piotr (*1837 - )
----------child: Ristau, Emilia (~1872 - )
Scott, Viola Ann (*1899 - ) - female
spouse: Mahon, Alexander (*1895 - )
----------child: Mahon, Ralph Andrew (1930 - )
Scullin, Diane
Leslie (private) - female
father: Scullin, Edward (*1922 - )
mother: Reiger, Vivian (*1926 - )
spouse: Braun, Ronald Edward (private)
- m. 4 OCT 1980 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
----------child: Braun, Brian Lee (private)
----------child: Braun, Stephanie Ann (private)
Scullin, Edward (*1922 - ) - male
spouse: Reiger, Vivian (*1926 - )
----------child: Scullin, Diane Leslie (private)
Sears, Christopher
Douglas (private) - male
father: Sears, Douglas (private)
mother: Limberis, Katherine Francis (private)
Sears, Douglas (private) - male
father: Sears, Douglas Owen (*1921 - 1963)
mother: Edwards, Betty Sue (1929 - )
spouse: Limberis, Katherine Francis (private)
- m. 22 NOV 1979 in Douglasville, Douglas County, GA
----------child: Sears, Christopher Douglas (private)
----------child: Sears, Mary Katherine (private)
----------child: Sears, Samuel Peter (private)
Sears, Douglas
Owen (*1921 - 1963) - male
d. JAN 1963 in Cookeville, Putnam County, TN
spouse: Edwards, Betty Sue (1929 - )
----------child: Sears, Douglas (private)
Sears, Mary
Katherine (private) - female
father: Sears, Douglas (private)
mother: Limberis, Katherine Francis (private)
Sears, Samuel
Peter (private) - male
father: Sears, Douglas (private)
mother: Limberis, Katherine Francis (private)
Seeger, Bertha (~1907 - ) - female
b. ABT. 1907 in Baden Baden, Germany
spouse: Denk, Friedrick Sebastin (~1907 - 1968)
- m. 17 NOV 1928 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
----------child: Denk, Frederick Wm. Jr. (1930
- )
Benjamin Richard (private) - male
father: Selfridge, Richard Matthew (private)
mother: Mahon, Deborah Jean (private)
Jonathan Andrew (private) - male
father: Selfridge, Richard Matthew (private)
mother: Mahon, Deborah Jean (private)
Selfridge, Richard
Matthew (private) - male
spouse: Mahon, Deborah Jean (private)
- m. 17 APR 1976
----------child: Selfridge, Benjamin Richard (private)
----------child: Selfridge, Jonathan Andrew (private)
Sevinsky, Rudolph (*1921 - ) - male
spouse: Schalois, Marie (*1925 - )
----------child: Sevinsky, Rudolph Alan (private)
Sevinsky, Rudolph
Alan (private) - male
father: Sevinsky, Rudolph (*1921 - )
mother: Schalois, Marie (*1925 - )
spouse: Conrad, Judy Lynne (private)
- m. 14 SEP 1974 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
Shaffer, Elven (*1912 - ) - female
father: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 - <1955)
mother: Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965)
Shaffer, George (*1880 - ) - male
father: Shaffer, Holland (*1845 - )
mother: Welker, Lorinda (*1849 - )
Shaffer, Helen
Leona (1918 - ) - female
b. 3 NOV 1918 in PA
father: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 - <1955)
mother: Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965)
spouse: Fry, Emmanuel David (1916 - )
- m. 2 JUN 1939
----------child: Fry, Helen Leona (private)
----------child: Fry, David Lawrence (private)
Shaffer, Holland (*1845 - ) - male
spouse: Welker, Lorinda (*1849 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 -
----------child: Shaffer, George (*1880 - )
Shaffer, Joseph
Armstrong (1880 - <1955) - male
b. 23 JUL 1880 in Petersburg, OH
d. BEF. JUL 1955
father: Shaffer, Holland (*1845 - )
mother: Welker, Lorinda (*1849 - )
spouse: Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965)
----------child: Shaffer, Virginia (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Margaret (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Elven (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Paul Alton (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Helen Leona (1918 - )
Shaffer, Margaret (*1912 - ) - female
father: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 - <1955)
mother: Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965)
Shaffer, Paul
Alton (*1912 - ) - male
father: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 - <1955)
mother: Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965)
Shaffer, Virginia (*1912 - ) - female
father: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 - <1955)
mother: Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965)
Sharp, Raye Joe (*1923 - ) - male
b. in Birmingham, Jefferson County, AL
spouse: Thomas, Margaret Othel (private)
----------child: Kent, Timothy Raye (private)
Shaw, Evelyn
Darlene (private) - female
spouse: Mollohan, David Paul (private)
- m. 4 AUG 1972 in Winchester, Frederick County, VA
----------child: Mollohan, David Paul Jr. (private)
Shelley, Barbara
Leeann (private) - female
father: Shelley, Paul Dwayne (private)
mother: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
spouse: Springer, William Wodsworth (private)
- m. 18 DEC 2000 in Vernon, Wilbarger County, TX
----------child: Springer, William Wodsworth II (private)
Shelley, Christine
Ann (private) - female
father: Shelley, Paul Dwayne (private)
mother: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
Shelley, Haverey
C. (*1927 - ) - male
spouse: Miller, Polly Ann (private)
----------child: Shelley, Paul Dwayne (private)
Shelley, Paul
Dwayne (private) - male
father: Shelley, Haverey C. (*1927 - )
mother: Miller, Polly Ann (private)
spouse: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
- m. JAN 1980 in Darby, Delaware County, PA
----------child: Shelley, Christine Ann (private)
----------child: Shelley, Barbara Leeann (private)
Sikes, Kevin (private) - male
father: Sikes, William Richard (private)
mother: Fitz, Sandra Dawn (private)
Sikes, Willard
Riley (*1915 - ) - male
spouse: Randall, Myrtle Roxie (*1919 - )
----------child: Sikes, William Richard (private)
Sikes, William
Richard (private) - male
father: Sikes, Willard Riley (*1915 - )
mother: Randall, Myrtle Roxie (*1919 - )
spouse: Fitz, Sandra Dawn (private)
- m. 13 FEB 1982 in Bainbridge, Berrien County, MI
----------child: Sikes, Kevin (private)
Simmons, ??? (*1883 - ) - female
spouse: Bennett, ??? (*1879 - )
----------child: Bennett, Robert Delman (1914 -
Simon, Austa Viola (1878 - 1965) - female
b. 8 SEP 1878 in Poland, OH
d. 12 FEB 1965
spouse: Shaffer, Joseph Armstrong (1880 - <1955)
----------child: Shaffer, Virginia (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Margaret (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Elven (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Paul Alton (*1912 - )
----------child: Shaffer, Helen Leona (1918 - )
Sippel, Johanna (1904 - ) - female
b. 7 AUG 1904 in Harpen, Germany
father: Sippel, John (*1869 - )
mother: Tabe, Sophia (*1873 - )
When Johanna was twenty-one
years old she came to the USA in 1925. She traveled overland from Harpen,
Germany to Bremen, Germany and boarded the ship "SS America". She
sailed to New York City, NY and arrived 11 September 1925 at Ellis Island, NY.
Johanna arrived in
Cleveland, Ohio around 21 December 1925.
Johanna became a USA
citizen 30 June 1939.
spouse: Heise, Otto (1891 - 1971)
- m. 21 DEC 1935 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
Sippel, John (*1869 - ) - male
spouse: Tabe, Sophia (*1873 - )
----------child: Sippel, Johanna (1904 - )
Sodke, Ewa (1840 - ) - female
b. 1840
father: Sodke, Henryk (*1805 - )
mother: Schramm, Krystyna (*1809 - )
spouse: Schattschneider, Maciej (Matthew) (1843 - )
- m. 1863 in Secymin, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
----------child: Schattschneider, Henryk (1864
- )
----------child: Schattschneider, Michal (1866 - )
----------child: Schattschneider, Piotr (1869 - )
Sodke, Henryk (*1805 - ) - male
spouse: Schramm, Krystyna (*1809 - )
----------child: Sodke, Ewa (1840 - )
Solge, Marie (*1894 - ) - female
spouse: Melek, Julius (*1890 - )
----------child: Melek, Hildegard (1925 - )
Solobay, Patricia
Marie (private) - female
father: Solobay, Paul (*1920 - )
mother: Egan, Audrey (*1924 - )
spouse: Heise, Dale Myron (private)
- m. 16 AUG 1975 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
Solobay, Paul (*1920 - ) - male
spouse: Egan, Audrey (*1924 - )
----------child: Solobay, Patricia Marie (private)
Soukup, Christina (private) - female
father: Soukup, David (private)
mother: Curtin, Judy Lynn (private)
Soukup, David (private) - male
spouse: Curtin, Judy Lynn (private)
----------child: Soukup, Christina (private)
Southwell, Audrey (private) - female
father: Southwell, Frederick (*1902 - )
mother: Westlund, Helga Beta (*1906 - )
spouse: Homenuk, Frederick (private)
- m. 1 AUG 1959 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
----------child: Homenuk, Larraine (private)
----------child: Homenuk, Frederick Jr. (private)
----------child: Homenuk, Ronald (private)
----------child: Homenuk, Nancy (private)
----------child: Homenuk, Anastasia
"Stacy" (private)
spouse: Renard, Pierre Bonnot (1927 - )
- m. 30 NOV 1985 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, OH
Frederick (*1902 - ) - male
spouse: Westlund, Helga Beta (*1906 - )
----------child: Southwell, Audrey (private)
Spencer, Marjorie (*1915 - ) - female
spouse: Quast, John (*1911 - )
----------child: Quast, Cheryl Ann (private)
Springer, Carylone
Dori (private) - female
father: Springer, Thomas Eugene (private)
mother: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
Springer, Delisa
Marie (private) - female
father: Springer, Thomas Eugene (private)
mother: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
Springer, Jennifer
Ann-Marie (private) - female
father: Springer, Thomas Eugene (private)
mother: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
Springer, Kelley
Donna (private) - female
father: Springer, Thomas Eugene (private)
mother: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
Springer, Thomas
Eugene (private) - male
spouse: Lembke, Kathleen Ann (private)
- m. 7 JUL 1992 in Hammon, Roger Mills County, OK
----------child: Springer, Jennifer Ann-Marie (private)
----------child: Springer, Kelley Donna (private)
----------child: Springer, Carylone Dori (private)
----------child: Springer, Delisa Marie (private)
Springer, William
Wodsworth (private) - male
spouse: Shelley, Barbara Leeann (private)
- m. 18 DEC 2000 in Vernon, Wilbarger County, TX
----------child: Springer, William Wodsworth II (private)
Springer, William
Wodsworth II (private) - male
father: Springer, William Wodsworth (private)
mother: Shelley, Barbara Leeann (private)
Staskawicz, Tatano (*1894 - ) - female
spouse: Chernosky, Samuel (*1890 - )
----------child: Chernosky, Anne (1925 - 1956)
Steele, Gregory (*1915 - 1989) - male
d. 1989
spouse: Heise, Lydia (1917 - )
- m. in Japan
----------child: Steele, McDonald (private)
----------child: Steele, Guy Mitchel (private)
Steele, Guy
Mitchel (private) - male
father: Steele, Gregory (*1915 - 1989)
mother: Heise, Lydia (1917 - )
Steele, McDonald (private) - male
father: Steele, Gregory (*1915 - 1989)
mother: Heise, Lydia (1917 - )
Stephens, Amber
Lynn (private) - female
father: Stephens, Keith Douglas (private)
mother: Hajek, Beverly Ann (private)
Stephens, Angie
Marie (private) - female
father: Stephens, Keith Douglas (private)
mother: Hajek, Beverly Ann (private)
Stephens, Keith
Douglas (private) - male
spouse: Hajek, Beverly Ann (private)
- m. 31 DEC 1977
----------child: Stephens, Amber Lynn (private)
----------child: Stephens, Robin Ann (private)
----------child: Stephens, Angie Marie (private)
Stephens, Robin
Ann (private) - female
father: Stephens, Keith Douglas (private)
mother: Hajek, Beverly Ann (private)
Strawbridge, Debra
Ann (private) - female
father: Strawbridge, Edmund John (private)
mother: Ruggles, Kathryn Pearl (*1930 - )
spouse: Fitz, James Edwin (private)
- m. 14 FEB 1987 in Coloma, Berrien County, MI
----------child: Fitz, Jimmie Lee (private)
----------child: Fitz, Robert Jason (private)
Edmund John (private) - male
spouse: Ruggles, Kathryn Pearl (*1930 - )
----------child: Strawbridge, Debra Ann (private)
Sweeny, Naomi Ruth (1930 - ) - female
b. 13 OCT 1930
spouse: Conrad, Harold August (1928 - 1973)
- m. 31 DEC 1960
----------child: Conrad, Paul Alan (private)
Szabo, Edward (private) - male
spouse: Householder, Jill Ann (private)
- m. ABT. 1980
----------child: Szabo, Patricia Lynn (private)
Szabo, Patricia
Lynn (private) - female
father: Szabo, Edward (private)
mother: Householder, Jill Ann (private)
Dale adopted
Gottfried (*1796 - ) - male
spouse: Budach, Chrytyna (*1800 - )
----------child: Szachowitz, Karolina (~1831 - 1864)
Karolina (~1831 - 1864) - female
b. ABT. 1831
d. 3 APR 1864 in Zakrzewo, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
father: Szachowitz, Gottfried (*1796 - )
mother: Budach, Chrytyna (*1800 - )
spouse: Heise, Heinrick (~1831 - 1867)
- m. 10 NOV 1850 in Wyszogrod, Kingdom of Poland, Russia
----------child: Heise, Karl (1853 - 1857)
----------child: Heise, Frydryk Wilhelm (1857 -
----------child: Heise, Samuel (1859 - 1912)
----------child: Heise, Ludwig (1860 - )
----------child: Heise, Chrystyan (1864 - 1864)
Tabe, Sophia
(*1873 - ) - female
spouse: Sippel, John (*1869 - )
----------child: Sippel, Johanna (1904 - )